

Christy Keeton

As an Engineering Technician in the oil industry, Christy’s expertise was to analyze multi-million dollar acquisitions and build annual budgets. 

She opened Keeton Realty Investments in 2012 to flip houses. 

In 2019, her main focus transferred from single-family to multi-family. 

In less than 18 months, she sourced and closed over $80 million in multifamily space. 

She is here to help operators like herself to avoid the missteps and possible pitfalls of the multifamily industry. Listen in as they dive deep into what could be your life saver!

Jerome Myers

Are you stuck in the Matrix?

Many of us are silently asking ourselves, is there more to life?

Jerome Myers (a/k/a "J") is a developer of people and places. He is the founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of two ventures.  DreamCatchers is a boutique coaching firm that supports first and second generation wealth creators to self actualize and attain transcendence, and The Myers Development Group, where we help ordinary people invest in multifamily real estate in a way that creates generational wealth.

Through these entities he gets to live out his childhood dreams of helping people manifest the things they imagine and he is the evidence that dreams should be real.

Since leaving corporate America after building a 20MM division, J has become one of the most sought after thought leaders in the multifamily development space.